They say, "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself." I am fortunate to have many such friends in my life. The other day, when I decided to stop blogging, I received quite a few emails, blog comments, and phone calls from my friends asking me not to stop. I never realized my blog had a small but loyal readership.
My friends were generally unhappy that I would stop blogging, but they respected my decision - like all good friends, they had my best interest in mind. Some friends pointed out that I waste a lot of time watching movies - "May be you should cut down on your movies, and not blogging." So it was time to do some more self-reflection. As often happens, "Others had a better insight into my problem than I did myself." True, if I really wanted to invest more time on studies/research, I should have been cutting down on my movie watching first. So, I have decided to watch no more than one movie per week. I have also decided to continue blogging, but with one condition: I will blog only if I am satisfied with my own efforts at work. No hard work - no blogging. Blogging, in other words, would be more like a self-reward for my hardwork. So, if you see a post here on this blog from me, you can be sure I have worked hard enough to earn that privilege (that includes today's post). Thank you.
Glad the Entercoarse is back. Thank you for coming out of retirement, and looking forward to future posts by you and your friends.